Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The different flavors of homomorphisms

 Today we will introduce four special kinds of homomorphisms.

1. An epimorphism f:G➔H maps the group G onto the group H, which means that for every element h of H, there is at least one element g of G that satisfies f(g) = h.

Example: f:(Z,+)(Z2,+) where f(even)=0 and f(odd)=1.

This is the group theory representation of the rules of adding even and odd numbers.

even + even = even

even + odd = odd + even = odd

odd + odd = even

Even is the identity element and odd is its own inverse.

2. A monomorphism f:G➔H maps every element of G to a unique element of H.

Example: f:(Z2,+)(Z4,+) where f(0)=0 and f(1)=2.

This is not an epimorphism, because nothing gets mapped to the elements 1 or 3.

3. An isomorphism f:G➔H is both an epimorphism and a monomorphism. As far as group theory is concerned, two isomorphic groups are identical in structure and there will also be an inverse map f⁻¹:H➔G, such that f⁻¹(f(g))=g for all g in G and f(f⁻¹(h))=h for all h in H.


If they are finite groups, they must be of the same order. With infinite groups, things can get tricky, but that's true any time infinity is involved.

Example #1: f:(Z,+)(2Z,+), where f(n)=2n for all n in Z. The inverse f⁻¹(2Z,+)(Z,+) is defined by f⁻¹(2n)=n. 


It can easily be shown that {..., -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, ...} is a proper subset of {..., -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,...}, but they have the same order, both are countably infinite. 


When Georg Cantor produced his work on the properties of the infinite, there was a lot of pushback, but eventually, mathematicians accepted his concepts, even though many feel paradoxical.

Example #2: f:(Z4,+)({1, i, -1, -i},✕), where f(n) = iⁿ.


The imaginary number i is defined by i²=-1. By extension, i³=-i and i⁴=1. We will look at other finite groups in terms of complex multiplication in future posts.


4. An automorphism f:G➔G is an isomorphism of a group onto itself.


The identity automorphism, where f(x) = x is always works, the group structure remains unchanged. But are there other automorphisms of a group? In many cases there are.


Example #1: f:(Z,+)(Z,+) defined as f(x)=-x for all x in Z.


The function f is its own inverse. If we can find a way to negate all elements of a additive group, then f(x)=-x will be an automorphism. It works just as well for (Q,+) and (R,+), which is to say, the rationals and the reals.


Example #2: f:(Z4,+)(Z4,+) defined as follows.


f(0)=0, f(1)=3, f(2)=2, f(3)=1    

Since 3-4=-1, 3 and -1 are interchangeable in
(Z4,+). This automorphism could be re-written as


I will state this last part without proof, just because I find it pretty. AUT(G) is the set of all automorphisms of a group G. If we use composition of functions as our operation, AUT(G) is a group.


There are symmetries within symmetries.

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